6 Predictions That Will Grow Your Church In A Fast-Changing World

Church Growth Engine // May 1 // 0 Comments

6 Predictions That Will Grow Your Church In A Fast-Changing World

grow your church

Almost every church leader and pastors I have met in the last couple of days have one question;

What is the future of the church in today’s world?

My guess is that you also want to grow your church.

You're hungry to find out how to grow your church attendance.

I know it because that's what brought you here. It is why you're reading this post.

Let’s be honest, the Coronavirus caught a lot of people off guard, and totally unprepared. The church that isn’t prepared will always be caught off guard to the advantage of those who are prepared.

The church that isn’t prepared will always be caught off guard to the advantage of those who are prepared.

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The future will never be kind to pastors and church leaders who are not prepared, so it’s best to be prepared.

Humans are naturally dynamic, if we say, the physical building isn’t the church, then, the church must also be dynamic.

So, what are the predictions or traits of a church that is set to impact the future?

What I’m going to say may sound controversial, not because they’re not true but because these things are NOT what is being taught in Bible schools.

For most people reading this, it will be hard to change your mindset but it’s only those who are open to change and adapt in a fast-changing world that will reap the unlimited benefit of change.

So, are you ready for this?

Let's get started!

1: Online Church Is Here To Stay.

Look, I know it, a lot of people will push back on this, and I get it.

We are used to meeting in buildings we can “church” but that building isn’t actually the church. The church is the people.

Secondly, these days, people connect easily online than they do physically.

Well, it may not sound right but it’s the truth.

Churches that place ONLY emphasis on physical meetings will eventually lose out. They will not win.

Churches like Christ Embassy know this, and they’re massively using the internet to reach more souls.

The other day, Pastor Chris had over 3 billion people from around the world hooked up to him.

pastor Chris and pastor Benny

The world is changing rapidly, we can’t change it, we can only adapt or be left behind.

Even churches like Deeper Life Bible Church now understand this better and they’re already adapting. The other day, they had over 15,000 LIVE worshippers online.

Who would have thought that a “conservative” church like Deeper Life will do it but they understand the trend, and they want to stay relevant but now, and in the future.

While it is good to invest heavily in your physical structures, you also need to know that the world is changing, and your digital structure needs massive investment.

As a church, while it is good to invest heavily in your physical structures, you also need to know that the world is changing, and your digital structure needs massive investment.

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Your physical structure, no matter how big, is going to accommodate a limited number of people, it’s going to be a church with walls.

The digital church is a church without walls, and that’s why Pastor Chris can have over 3billion people join him live.

Is there any facility in the world that can take 3billion people?

I’m not sure of any that would comfortably accommodate even 300,000 people but the online church can.

2: Giving & Donation Will Be 80% Digital.

Look, even the Nigerian government now has a ministry of digital economy.

They are even working hard to eliminate cash.

Is your church adapting to this trend?

It is more convenient for people to give to your church through your digital channels. Your website, apps, and other digital channels.

The era of bringing physical cash and lifting it up for the entire congregation to see is fading away because as people watch you more online, they’ll give to you if you have the right strategies.

The era of bringing physical cash and lifting offerings up for the entire congregation to see is fading away because as people watch you more online, these people would prefer digital giving/donations.

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3: Sundays Meetings Will Stop, No, It’ll Shift.

Look, the church is experiencing a huge shift right now.

If your church is like most churches, you meet mainly on Sundays, that’s your major day of the meeting, right?

Well, some churches meet for 1hour on a weekday.

Listen carefully…

That is going to change because the church will be meeting everyday.

Infact, every hour.

Since the online church is trending, people will naturally be able to access their pastor’s content anytime they want it.

It’ll be 24/7.

You don’t have to wait until Sunday to be in church. This is even to your advantage.

We have 168 hours In a week, you meet 3hours max, what happens to 165hours in a week?

With the new shift, all those will change.

The church will no longer be in the building, it’ll be on mobile phones, computers, Ipads and powered by the internet.

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The church will no longer be in the building, it’ll be on mobile phones, computers, Ipads and powered by the internet.

When it comes to winning souls, every day is more important than Sundays.

4: Churches Will Rethink Opening Up Branches

It’s great to be a founder of a church with 1,000 branches but even the coronavirus made churches with 1,000 branches become just one church.

I mean, everyone met as one single unit powered by the internet.

Pastors are already rethinking their church growth strategies.

Many will spend less time and money on opening up more branches but more on the internet because that is where the people are gathered.

There’s nothing wrong with having multiple branches even though it comes with its own many challenges but the new shift in the world is changing that to “ONE CHURCH” that is powered by the internet.

5: Manipulative Gospel Will Decline.

You see, the world is changing, people are even more informed now more than ever before.

People can research any topic on the internet within seconds.

The time for using manipulative, pressure-based or cajoling people to give or donate to your ministry will be gone because people are becoming more aware.

Now, people will begin to give or donate because they love God and want to fund your vision, not because they were manipulated or arm twisted to give.

In the future, people would still give to churches because they love God, and want to express that love by funding your vision,not because you pressurized or manipulated them. They will stop giving to people who do these things.

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People are seeking the truth and they’ll do anything or go any length to get the true gospel that is devoid of pressure, selfishness and manipulations.

Pressure based gospel only creates “consumer Christianity”, Christians who are more concerned about what they can get from God than what they can give in terms of following him.

6: Handbills and Physical Prints will Be Outdated.

Can you remember when handbills were the IN thing?

Well, that’s fading away really quickly and it will be replaced by digital communication powered by what I call “New Church Communication Sequence”, and it’s 100% automated.

Sadly, most churches just print handbills for the sake of it. If you calculate the impact of that, it’s near nothing.


People are busy right now, people can hardly wait 1 second to collect the handbills, and when they do, they don’t even read it.

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They only collect it as a matter of courtesy.

Despite this, churches still continue to spend a lot of money to print handbills.

The new tool to use is “New Church Communication Sequence” because it allows you to reach people anywhere they are.

As you can see, the church is changing because humans are changing.

What do you think about these predictions or what else do you see coming?

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